At Hotel Traube Post

Grander Water

More than 30 years ago, Johann Grander already understood just how important it is to treat nature and the element of water with the greatest respect. His approach is largely based on his initial realization that the state of water is decisive for our wellbeing as well as the preservation of the entire ecosystem. This was also why Grander set out to develop a method by which the properties of revitalised water could be transferred to any type of water, together with all the positive effects it has on humans as well as flora and fauna. The water revitalisation process finally invented by Grander is now used to restore water to its natural state, making it what it once used to be: our most important elixir of life – taste it for yourself at Hotel Traube Post in the Vinschgau Valley.

More about Grander Water
Grander Water
“The sun, the moon and the entire cosmos relate to the earth
through natural vibrations and communicate through the element of water.”
(Johann Grander)
Rest & relaxation
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